@inproceedings{quellmalz_stacking_2021, location = {San Jose, California}, title = {Stacking of Two-Dimensional Materials to Large-Area Heterostructures by Wafer Bonding}, isbn = {978-1-943580-91-0}, url = {https://www.osapublishing.org/abstract.cfm?URI=CLEO_SI-2021-SW3F.2}, doi = {10.1364/CLEO_SI.2021.SW3F.2}, eventtitle = {{CLEO}: Science and Innovations}, pages = {SW3F.2}, booktitle = {Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics}, publisher = {{OSA}}, author = {Quellmalz, Arne and Sawallich, Simon and Prechtl, Maximilian and Hartwig, Oliver and Luo, Siwei and Wagner, Stefan and Duesberg, Georg S. and Lemme, Max C. and Niklaus, Frank and Gylfason, Kristinn B.}, urldate = {2021-09-28}, date = {2021}, langid = {english}, }